Select Widget, missing terms

The select widget allows you to select one or more values from a set of given options. The “SELECT” and “OPTION” elements are described here:

As for all widgets, the select widget must provide the new IWidget interface:

>>> from z3c.form import interfaces
>>> from z3c.form.browser import select

The widget can be instantiated only using the request:

>>> from z3c.form.testing import TestRequest
>>> request = TestRequest()
>>> widget = select.SelectWidget(request)

Before rendering the widget, one has to set the name and id of the widget:

>>> = 'widget-id'
>>> = ''

We also need to register the template for at least the widget and request:

>>> import zope.component
>>> from zope.pagetemplate.interfaces import IPageTemplate
>>> from z3c.form.testing import getPath
>>> from z3c.form.widget import WidgetTemplateFactory
>>> zope.component.provideAdapter(
...     WidgetTemplateFactory(getPath(''), 'text/html'),
...     (None, None, None, None, interfaces.ISelectWidget),
...     IPageTemplate, name=interfaces.INPUT_MODE)

We need some context:

>>> class IPerson(zope.interface.Interface):
...     rating = zope.schema.Choice(
...     vocabulary='Ratings')
>>> @zope.interface.implementer(IPerson)
... class Person(object):
...     pass
>>> person = Person()

Let’s provide some values for this widget. We can do this by defining a source providing ITerms. This source uses descriminators which will fit our setup.

>>> import zope.schema.interfaces
>>> from zope.schema.vocabulary import SimpleVocabulary
>>> from zope.schema.vocabulary import SimpleTerm
>>> import z3c.form.term
>>> from zope.schema import vocabulary
>>> ratings = vocabulary.SimpleVocabulary([
...     vocabulary.SimpleVocabulary.createTerm(0, '0', u'bad'),
...     vocabulary.SimpleVocabulary.createTerm(1, '1', u'okay'),
...     vocabulary.SimpleVocabulary.createTerm(2, '2', u'good')
...     ])
>>> def RatingsVocabulary(obj):
...     return ratings
>>> vr = vocabulary.getVocabularyRegistry()
>>> vr.register('Ratings', RatingsVocabulary)
>>> class SelectionTerms(z3c.form.term.MissingChoiceTermsVocabulary):
...     def __init__(self, context, request, form, field, widget):
...         self.context = context
...         self.field = field
...         self.terms = ratings
...         self.widget = widget
...     def _makeMissingTerm(self, token):
...         if token == 'x':
...             return super(SelectionTerms, self)._makeMissingTerm(token)
...         else:
...             raise LookupError
>>> zope.component.provideAdapter(SelectionTerms,
...     (None, interfaces.IFormLayer, None, None, interfaces.ISelectWidget) )
>>> import z3c.form.datamanager
>>> zope.component.provideAdapter(z3c.form.datamanager.AttributeField)

Now let’s try if we get widget values:

>>> widget.update()
>>> print(widget.render())
<select id="widget-id" name=""
        class="select-widget" size="1">
<option id="widget-id-novalue" selected="selected" value="--NOVALUE--">No value</option>
<option id="widget-id-0" value="0">bad</option>
<option id="widget-id-1" value="1">okay</option>
<option id="widget-id-2" value="2">good</option>
<input name="" type="hidden" value="1" />

If we set the widget value to “x”, then it should be present and selected:

>>> widget.value = ('x',)
>>> widget.context = person
>>> widget.field = IPerson['rating']
>>> zope.interface.alsoProvides(widget, interfaces.IContextAware)
>>> person.rating = 'x'
>>> widget.terms = None
>>> widget.update()
>>> print(widget.render())
<select id="widget-id" name=""
        class="select-widget" size="1">
<option id="widget-id-novalue" value="--NOVALUE--">No value</option>
<option id="widget-id-0" value="0">bad</option>
<option id="widget-id-1" value="1">okay</option>
<option id="widget-id-2" value="2">good</option>
<option id="widget-id-missing-0" selected="selected" value="x">Missing: x</option>
<input name="" type="hidden" value="1" />

If we set the widget value to “y”, then it should NOT be around:

>>> widget.value = ['y']
>>> widget.update()
>>> print(widget.render())
<select id="widget-id" name=""
        class="select-widget" size="1">
<option id="widget-id-novalue" value="--NOVALUE--">No value</option>
<option id="widget-id-0" value="0">bad</option>
<option id="widget-id-1" value="1">okay</option>
<option id="widget-id-2" value="2">good</option>
<input name="" type="hidden" value="1" />

Let’s now make sure that we can extract user entered data from a widget:

>>> widget.request = TestRequest(form={'': ['c']})
>>> widget.update()
>>> widget.extract()

Well, only of it matches the context’s current value:

>>> widget.request = TestRequest(form={'': ['x']})
>>> widget.update()
>>> widget.extract()

When “No value” is selected, then no verification against the terms is done:

>>> widget.request = TestRequest(form={'': ['--NOVALUE--']})
>>> widget.update()
>>> widget.extract(default=1)

Let’s now make sure that we can extract user entered missing data from a widget:

>>> widget.request = TestRequest(form={'': ['x']})
>>> widget.update()
>>> widget.extract()
>>> widget.request = TestRequest(form={'': ['y']})
>>> widget.update()
>>> widget.extract()

Unfortunately, when nothing is selected, we do not get an empty list sent into the request, but simply no entry at all. For this we have the empty marker, so that:

>>> widget.request = TestRequest(form={'': '1'})
>>> widget.update()
>>> widget.extract()

If nothing is found in the request, the default is returned:

>>> widget.request = TestRequest()
>>> widget.update()
>>> widget.extract(default=1)

Let’s now make sure that a bogus value causes extract to return the default as described by the interface:

>>> widget.request = TestRequest(form={'': ['y']})
>>> widget.update()
>>> widget.extract(default=1)

Display Widget

The select widget comes with a template for DISPLAY_MODE. Let’s register it first:

>>> zope.component.provideAdapter(
...     WidgetTemplateFactory(getPath(''), 'text/html'),
...     (None, None, None, None, interfaces.ISelectWidget),
...     IPageTemplate, name=interfaces.DISPLAY_MODE)

Let’s see what happens if we have values that are not in the vocabulary:

>>> widget.required = True
>>> widget.mode = interfaces.DISPLAY_MODE
>>> widget.value = ['0', '1', 'x']
>>> widget.update()
>>> print(widget.render())
<span id="widget-id" class="select-widget">
  <span class="selected-option">bad</span>,
  <span class="selected-option">okay</span>,
  <span class="selected-option">Missing: x</span>

Hidden Widget

The select widget comes with a template for HIDDEN_MODE. Let’s register it first:

>>> zope.component.provideAdapter(
...     WidgetTemplateFactory(getPath(''), 'text/html'),
...     (None, None, None, None, interfaces.ISelectWidget),
...     IPageTemplate, name=interfaces.HIDDEN_MODE)

Let’s see what happens if we have values that are not in the vocabulary:

>>> widget.mode = interfaces.HIDDEN_MODE
>>> widget.value = ['0', 'x']
>>> widget.update()
>>> print(widget.render())
<input id="widget-id-0" name="" value="0" class="hidden-widget" type="hidden" />
<input id="widget-id-missing-0" name="" value="x" class="hidden-widget" type="hidden" />
<input name="" type="hidden" value="1" />