ObjectWidget single widgets integration tests

Checking components on the highest possible level.

>>> from datetime import date
>>> from z3c.form import form
>>> from z3c.form import field
>>> from z3c.form import testing
>>> from z3c.form.object import registerFactoryAdapter
>>> registerFactoryAdapter(testing.IObjectWidgetSingleSubIntegration,
...     testing.ObjectWidgetSingleSubIntegration)
>>> request = testing.TestRequest()

>> from z3c.form.object import registerFactoryAdapter >> registerFactoryAdapter(testing.IObjectWidgetSingleSubIntegration, .. testing.ObjectWidgetSingleSubIntegration)

>>> class EForm(form.EditForm):
...     form.extends(form.EditForm)
...     fields = field.Fields(testing.IObjectWidgetSingleIntegration)

Our single content object:

>>> obj = testing.ObjectWidgetSingleIntegration()

We recreate the form each time, to stay as close as possible. In real life the form gets instantiated and destroyed with each request.

>>> def getForm(request, fname=None):
...     frm = EForm(obj, request)
...     testing.addTemplate(frm, 'integration_edit.pt')
...     frm.update()
...     content = frm.render()
...     if fname is not None:
...         testing.saveHtml(content, fname)
...     return content


All blank and empty values:

>>> content = getForm(request, 'ObjectWidget_single_edit_empty.html')
>>> print(testing.plainText(content))
Object label
Int label *
Bool label *
( ) yes ( ) no
Choice label *
[[    ]]
ChoiceOpt label
[No value]
TextLine label *
Date label *
ReadOnly label *

Some valid default values

>>> obj.subobj = testing.ObjectWidgetSingleSubIntegration(
...     singleInt=-100,
...     singleBool=False,
...     singleChoice='two',
...     singleChoiceOpt='six',
...     singleTextLine='some text one',
...     singleDate=date(2014, 6, 20),
...     singleReadOnly='some R/O text')
>>> content = getForm(request, 'ObjectWidget_single_edit_simple.html')
>>> print(testing.plainText(content))
Object label
Int label *
Bool label *
( ) yes (O) no
Choice label *
ChoiceOpt label
TextLine label *
[some text one]
Date label *
ReadOnly label *
some R/O text

Wrong values

Set wrong values:

>>> submit = testing.getSubmitValues(content)
>>> submit['form.widgets.subobj.widgets.singleInt'] = 'foobar'
>>> submit['form.widgets.subobj.widgets.singleTextLine'] = 'foo\nbar'
>>> submit['form.widgets.subobj.widgets.singleDate'] = 'foobar'
>>> submit['form.buttons.apply'] = 'Apply'
>>> request = testing.TestRequest(form=submit)

We should get lots of errors:

>>> content = getForm(request, 'ObjectWidget_single_edit_submit_wrong.html')
>>> print(testing.plainText(content,
...     './/ul[@id="form-errors"]'))
* Object label: The entered value is not a valid integer literal.
Constraint not satisfied
The datetime string did not match the pattern 'yy/MM/dd'.
>>> print(testing.plainText(content,
...     './/div[@id="row-form-widgets-subobj"]/b/div[@class="error"]'))
The entered value is not a valid integer literal.
Constraint not satisfied
The datetime string did not match the pattern 'yy/MM/dd'.
>>> print(testing.plainText(content,
...     './/div[@id="row-form-widgets-subobj"]'))
The entered value is not a valid integer literal.
Constraint not satisfied
The datetime string did not match the pattern 'yy/MM/dd'. Object label
Int label *

The entered value is not a valid integer literal.

Bool label *

( ) yes (O) no

Choice label *


ChoiceOpt label


TextLine label *

Constraint not satisfied

Date label *

The datetime string did not match the pattern 'yy/MM/dd'.

ReadOnly label *

some R/O text

Let’s fix the values:

>>> submit = testing.getSubmitValues(content)
>>> submit['form.widgets.subobj.widgets.singleInt'] = '1042'
>>> submit['form.widgets.subobj.widgets.singleBool'] = 'true'
>>> submit['form.widgets.subobj.widgets.singleChoice:list'] = 'three'
>>> submit['form.widgets.subobj.widgets.singleChoiceOpt:list'] = 'four'
>>> submit['form.widgets.subobj.widgets.singleTextLine'] = 'foobar'
>>> submit['form.widgets.subobj.widgets.singleDate'] = '14/06/21'
>>> submit['form.buttons.apply'] = 'Apply'
>>> request = testing.TestRequest(form=submit)
>>> content = getForm(request, 'ObjectWidget_single_edit_submit_fixed.html')
>>> print(testing.plainText(content))
Data successfully updated.

Object label
Int label *
Bool label *
(O) yes ( ) no
Choice label *
ChoiceOpt label
TextLine label *
Date label *
ReadOnly label *
some R/O text

Bool was misbehaving

>>> submit = testing.getSubmitValues(content)
>>> submit['form.widgets.subobj.widgets.singleBool'] = 'false'
>>> submit['form.buttons.apply'] = 'Apply'
>>> request = testing.TestRequest(form=submit)
>>> content = getForm(request, 'ObjectWidget_single_edit_submit_bool1.html')
>>> print(testing.plainText(content))
Data successfully updated.
>>> pprint(obj.subobj)
  singleBool: False
  singleChoice: 'three'
  singleChoiceOpt: 'four'
  singleDate: datetime.date(2014, 6, 21)
  singleInt: 1042
  singleReadOnly: 'some R/O text'
  singleTextLine: 'foobar'>
>>> submit = testing.getSubmitValues(content)
>>> submit['form.widgets.subobj.widgets.singleBool'] = 'true'
>>> submit['form.buttons.apply'] = 'Apply'
>>> request = testing.TestRequest(form=submit)
>>> content = getForm(request, 'ObjectWidget_single_edit_submit_bool2.html')
>>> print(testing.plainText(content))
Data successfully updated.
>>> pprint(obj.subobj)
  singleBool: True
  singleChoice: 'three'
  singleChoiceOpt: 'four'
  singleDate: datetime.date(2014, 6, 21)
  singleInt: 1042
  singleReadOnly: 'some R/O text'
  singleTextLine: 'foobar'>