MultiWidget Dict integration tests

Checking components on the highest possible level.

>>> from datetime import date
>>> from z3c.form import form
>>> from z3c.form import field
>>> from z3c.form import testing
>>> request = testing.TestRequest()
>>> class EForm(form.EditForm):
...     form.extends(form.EditForm)
...     fields = field.Fields(
...         testing.IMultiWidgetDictIntegration).omit('dictOfObject')

Our single content object:

>>> obj = testing.MultiWidgetDictIntegration()

We recreate the form each time, to stay as close as possible. In real life the form gets instantiated and destroyed with each request.

>>> def getForm(request, fname=None):
...     frm = EForm(obj, request)
...     testing.addTemplate(frm, '')
...     frm.update()
...     content = frm.render()
...     if fname is not None:
...         testing.saveHtml(content, fname)
...     return content


All blank and empty values:

>>> content = getForm(request, 'MultiWidget_dict_edit_empty.html')
>>> print(testing.plainText(content))
DictOfInt label

DictOfBool label

DictOfChoice label

DictOfTextLine label

DictOfDate label


Some valid default values

>>> obj.dictOfInt = {-101: -100, -1:1, 101:100}
>>> obj.dictOfBool = {True: False, False: True}
>>> obj.dictOfChoice = {'key1': 'three', 'key3': 'two'}
>>> obj.dictOfTextLine = {'textkey1': 'some text one',
...     'textkey2': 'some txt two'}
>>> obj.dictOfDate = {
...     date(2011, 1, 15): date(2014, 6, 20),
...     date(2012, 2, 20): date(2013, 5, 19)}
>>> pprint(obj)
  dictOfBool: {False: True, True: False}
  dictOfChoice: {'key1': 'three', 'key3': 'two'}
  dictOfDate: {, 1, 15):, 6, 20),, 2, 20):, 5, 19)}
  dictOfInt: {-101: -100, -1: 1, 101: 100}
  dictOfTextLine: {'textkey1': 'some text one', 'textkey2': 'some txt two'}>
>>> content = getForm(request, 'MultiWidget_dict_edit_simple.html')
>>> print(testing.plainText(content))
DictOfInt label

Int key *
Int label *
[ ]
Int key *
Int label *
[ ]
Int key *
Int label *
[ ]
[Remove selected]
DictOfBool label

Bool key *
( ) yes (O) no
Bool label *
[ ]
(O) yes ( ) no
Bool key *
(O) yes ( ) no
Bool label *
[ ]
( ) yes (O) no
[Remove selected]
DictOfChoice label

Choice key *
Choice label *
[ ]
Choice key *
Choice label *
[ ]
[Remove selected]
DictOfTextLine label

TextLine key *
TextLine label *
[ ]
[some text one]
TextLine key *
TextLine label *
[ ]
[some txt two]
[Remove selected]
DictOfDate label

Date key *
Date label *
[ ]
Date key *
Date label *
[ ]
[Remove selected]


Set a wrong value and add a new input:

>>> submit = testing.getSubmitValues(content)
>>> submit['form.widgets.dictOfInt.key.2'] = 'foobar'
>>> submit['form.widgets.dictOfInt.2'] = 'foobar'
>>> submit['form.widgets.dictOfInt.buttons.add'] = 'Add'
>>> request = testing.TestRequest(form=submit)

Important is that we get “The entered value is not a valid integer literal.” for “foobar” and a new input.

>>> content = getForm(request, 'MultiWidget_dict_edit_submit_int.html')
>>> print(testing.plainText(content,
...     './/form/div[@id="row-form-widgets-dictOfInt"]'))
DictOfInt label

Int key *


Int label *

[ ]
Int key *


Int label *

[ ]
Int key *

The entered value is not a valid integer literal.

Int label *

The entered value is not a valid integer literal.
[ ]
Int key *


Int label *

[ ]
[Remove selected]

Submit again with the empty field:

>>> submit = testing.getSubmitValues(content)
>>> request = testing.TestRequest(form=submit)
>>> content = getForm(request, 'MultiWidget_dict_edit_submit_int2.html')
>>> print(testing.plainText(content,
...     './/div[@id="row-form-widgets-dictOfInt"]//div[@class="error"]'))
Required input is missing.
Required input is missing.
The entered value is not a valid integer literal.
The entered value is not a valid integer literal.

Let’s remove some items:

>>> submit = testing.getSubmitValues(content)
>>> submit['form.widgets.dictOfInt.1.remove'] = '1'
>>> submit['form.widgets.dictOfInt.3.remove'] = '1'
>>> submit['form.widgets.dictOfInt.buttons.remove'] = 'Remove selected'
>>> request = testing.TestRequest(form=submit)
>>> content = getForm(request, 'MultiWidget_dict_edit_remove_int.html')
>>> print(testing.plainText(content,
...     './/div[@id="row-form-widgets-dictOfInt"]'))
DictOfInt label

Int key *

Required input is missing.

Int label *

Required input is missing.
[ ]
Int key *


Int label *

[ ]
[Remove selected]
>>> pprint(obj)
  dictOfBool: {False: True, True: False}
  dictOfChoice: {'key1': 'three', 'key3': 'two'}
  dictOfDate: {, 1, 15):, 6, 20),, 2, 20):, 5, 19)}
  dictOfInt: {-101: -100, -1: 1, 101: 100}
  dictOfTextLine: {'textkey1': 'some text one', 'textkey2': 'some txt two'}>


Add a new input:

>>> submit = testing.getSubmitValues(content)
>>> submit['form.widgets.dictOfBool.buttons.add'] = 'Add'
>>> request = testing.TestRequest(form=submit)

Important is that we get a new input.

>>> content = getForm(request, 'MultiWidget_dict_edit_submit_bool.html')
>>> print(testing.plainText(content,
...     './/form/div[@id="row-form-widgets-dictOfBool"]'))
DictOfBool label

Bool key *

( ) yes (O) no

Bool label *

[ ]
(O) yes ( ) no
Bool key *

(O) yes ( ) no

Bool label *

[ ]
( ) yes (O) no
Bool key *

( ) yes ( ) no

Bool label *

[ ]
( ) yes ( ) no
[Remove selected]

Submit again with the empty field:

>>> submit = testing.getSubmitValues(content)
>>> request = testing.TestRequest(form=submit)
>>> content = getForm(request, 'MultiWidget_dict_edit_submit_bool2.html')
>>> print(testing.plainText(content,
...     './/form/div[@id="row-form-widgets-dictOfBool"]//div[@class="error"]'))
Required input is missing.
Required input is missing.

Let’s remove some items:

>>> submit = testing.getSubmitValues(content)
>>> submit['form.widgets.dictOfBool.1.remove'] = '1'
>>> submit['form.widgets.dictOfBool.2.remove'] = '1'
>>> submit['form.widgets.dictOfBool.buttons.remove'] = 'Remove selected'
>>> request = testing.TestRequest(form=submit)
>>> content = getForm(request, 'MultiWidget_dict_edit_remove_bool.html')
>>> print(testing.plainText(content,
...     './/div[@id="row-form-widgets-dictOfBool"]'))
DictOfBool label

Bool key *

Required input is missing.
( ) yes ( ) no

Bool label *

Required input is missing.
[ ]
( ) yes ( ) no
[Remove selected]
>>> pprint(obj)
  dictOfBool: {False: True, True: False}
  dictOfChoice: {'key1': 'three', 'key3': 'two'}
  dictOfDate: {, 1, 15):, 6, 20),, 2, 20):, 5, 19)}
  dictOfInt: {-101: -100, -1: 1, 101: 100}
  dictOfTextLine: {'textkey1': 'some text one', 'textkey2': 'some txt two'}>


Add a new input:

>>> submit = testing.getSubmitValues(content)
>>> submit['form.widgets.dictOfChoice.buttons.add'] = 'Add'
>>> request = testing.TestRequest(form=submit)

Important is that we get a new input.

>>> content = getForm(request, 'MultiWidget_dict_edit_submit_choice.html')
>>> print(testing.plainText(content,
...     './/form/div[@id="row-form-widgets-dictOfChoice"]'))
DictOfChoice label

Choice key *


Choice label *

[ ]
Choice key *


Choice label *

[ ]
Choice key *

[[    ]]

Choice label *

[ ]
[[    ]]
[Remove selected]

Submit again with the empty field:

>>> submit = testing.getSubmitValues(content)
>>> request = testing.TestRequest(form=submit)
>>> content = getForm(request, 'MultiWidget_dict_edit_submit_choice2.html')
>>> print(testing.plainText(content,
...     './/form/div[@id="row-form-widgets-dictOfChoice"]//div[@class="error"]'))
Duplicate key

Let’s remove some items:

>>> submit = testing.getSubmitValues(content)
>>> submit['form.widgets.dictOfChoice.0.remove'] = '1'
>>> submit['form.widgets.dictOfChoice.1.remove'] = '1'
>>> submit['form.widgets.dictOfChoice.buttons.remove'] = 'Remove selected'
>>> request = testing.TestRequest(form=submit)
>>> content = getForm(request, 'MultiWidget_dict_edit_remove_choice.html')
>>> print(testing.plainText(content,
...     './/div[@id="row-form-widgets-dictOfChoice"]'))
DictOfChoice label

Choice key *


Choice label *

[ ]
[Remove selected]
>>> pprint(obj)
  dictOfBool: {False: True, True: False}
  dictOfChoice: {'key1': 'three', 'key3': 'two'}
  dictOfDate: {, 1, 15):, 6, 20),, 2, 20):, 5, 19)}
  dictOfInt: {-101: -100, -1: 1, 101: 100}
  dictOfTextLine: {'textkey1': 'some text one', 'textkey2': 'some txt two'}>


Set a wrong value and add a new input:

>>> submit = testing.getSubmitValues(content)
>>> submit['form.widgets.dictOfTextLine.key.0'] = 'foo\nbar'
>>> submit['form.widgets.dictOfTextLine.0'] = 'foo\nbar'
>>> submit['form.widgets.dictOfTextLine.buttons.add'] = 'Add'
>>> request = testing.TestRequest(form=submit)

Important is that we get “Constraint not satisfied” for “foonbar” and a new input.

>>> content = getForm(request, 'MultiWidget_dict_edit_submit_textline.html')
>>> print(testing.plainText(content,
...     './/form/div[@id="row-form-widgets-dictOfTextLine"]'))
DictOfTextLine label

TextLine key *

Constraint not satisfied

TextLine label *

Constraint not satisfied
[ ]
TextLine key *


TextLine label *

[ ]
[some txt two]
TextLine key *


TextLine label *

[ ]
[Remove selected]

Submit again with the empty field:

>>> submit = testing.getSubmitValues(content)
>>> request = testing.TestRequest(form=submit)
>>> content = getForm(request, 'MultiWidget_dict_edit_submit_textline2.html')
>>> print(testing.plainText(content,
...     './/form/div[@id="row-form-widgets-dictOfTextLine"]//div[@class="error"]'))
Required input is missing.
Required input is missing.
Constraint not satisfied
Constraint not satisfied

Let’s remove some items:

>>> submit = testing.getSubmitValues(content)
>>> submit['form.widgets.dictOfTextLine.2.remove'] = '1'
>>> submit['form.widgets.dictOfTextLine.buttons.remove'] = 'Remove selected'
>>> request = testing.TestRequest(form=submit)
>>> content = getForm(request, 'MultiWidget_dict_edit_remove_textline.html')
>>> print(testing.plainText(content,
...     './/div[@id="row-form-widgets-dictOfTextLine"]'))
DictOfTextLine label

TextLine key *

Required input is missing.

TextLine label *

Required input is missing.
[ ]
TextLine key *

Constraint not satisfied

TextLine label *

Constraint not satisfied
[ ]
[Remove selected]
>>> pprint(obj)
  dictOfBool: {False: True, True: False}
  dictOfChoice: {'key1': 'three', 'key3': 'two'}
  dictOfDate: {, 1, 15):, 6, 20),, 2, 20):, 5, 19)}
  dictOfInt: {-101: -100, -1: 1, 101: 100}
  dictOfTextLine: {'textkey1': 'some text one', 'textkey2': 'some txt two'}>


Set a wrong value and add a new input:

>>> submit = testing.getSubmitValues(content)
>>> submit['form.widgets.dictOfDate.key.0'] = 'foobar'
>>> submit['form.widgets.dictOfDate.0'] = 'foobar'
>>> submit['form.widgets.dictOfDate.buttons.add'] = 'Add'
>>> request = testing.TestRequest(form=submit)

Important is that we get “The entered value is not a valid integer literal.” for “foobar” and a new input.

>>> content = getForm(request, 'MultiWidget_dict_edit_submit_date.html')
>>> print(testing.plainText(content,
...     './/form/div[@id="row-form-widgets-dictOfDate"]'))
DictOfDate label

Date key *


Date label *

[ ]
Date key *

The datetime string did not match the pattern 'yy/MM/dd'.

Date label *

The datetime string did not match the pattern 'yy/MM/dd'.
[ ]
Date key *


Date label *

[ ]
[Remove selected]

Submit again with the empty field:

>>> submit = testing.getSubmitValues(content)
>>> request = testing.TestRequest(form=submit)
>>> content = getForm(request, 'MultiWidget_dict_edit_submit_date2.html')
>>> print(testing.plainText(content,
...     './/form/div[@id="row-form-widgets-dictOfDate"]//div[@class="error"]'))
Required input is missing.
Required input is missing.
The datetime string did not match the pattern 'yy/MM/dd'.
The datetime string did not match the pattern 'yy/MM/dd'.

And fill in a valid value:

>>> submit = testing.getSubmitValues(content)
>>> submit['form.widgets.dictOfDate.key.0'] = '14/05/12'
>>> submit['form.widgets.dictOfDate.0'] = '14/06/21'
>>> request = testing.TestRequest(form=submit)
>>> content = getForm(request, 'MultiWidget_dict_edit_submit_date3.html')
>>> print(testing.plainText(content,
...     './/form/div[@id="row-form-widgets-dictOfDate"]'))
DictOfDate label

Date key *


Date label *

[ ]
Date key *


Date label *

[ ]
Date key *

The datetime string did not match the pattern 'yy/MM/dd'.

Date label *

The datetime string did not match the pattern 'yy/MM/dd'.
[ ]
[Remove selected]

Let’s remove some items:

>>> submit = testing.getSubmitValues(content)
>>> submit['form.widgets.dictOfDate.1.remove'] = '1'
>>> submit['form.widgets.dictOfDate.buttons.remove'] = 'Remove selected'
>>> request = testing.TestRequest(form=submit)
>>> content = getForm(request, 'MultiWidget_dict_edit_remove_date.html')
>>> print(testing.plainText(content,
...     './/div[@id="row-form-widgets-dictOfDate"]'))
DictOfDate label

Date key *


Date label *

[ ]
Date key *

The datetime string did not match the pattern 'yy/MM/dd'.

Date label *

The datetime string did not match the pattern 'yy/MM/dd'.
[ ]
[Remove selected]
>>> pprint(obj)
  dictOfBool: {False: True, True: False}
  dictOfChoice: {'key1': 'three', 'key3': 'two'}
  dictOfDate: {, 1, 15):, 6, 20),, 2, 20):, 5, 19)}
  dictOfInt: {-101: -100, -1: 1, 101: 100}
  dictOfTextLine: {'textkey1': 'some text one', 'textkey2': 'some txt two'}>

And apply

>>> submit = testing.getSubmitValues(content)
>>> submit['form.buttons.apply'] = 'Apply'
>>> request = testing.TestRequest(form=submit)
>>> content = getForm(request)
>>> print(testing.plainText(content))
There were some errors.
* DictOfInt label: Wrong contained type
* DictOfBool label: Wrong contained type
* DictOfTextLine label: Constraint not satisfied
* DictOfDate label: The datetime string did not match the pattern 'yy/MM/dd'.
>>> pprint(obj)
  dictOfBool: {False: True, True: False}
  dictOfChoice: {'key1': 'three', 'key3': 'two'}
  dictOfDate: {, 1, 15):, 6, 20),, 2, 20):, 5, 19)}
  dictOfInt: {-101: -100, -1: 1, 101: 100}
  dictOfTextLine: {'textkey1': 'some text one', 'textkey2': 'some txt two'}>

Let’s fix the values

>>> submit = testing.getSubmitValues(content)
>>> submit['form.widgets.dictOfInt.key.1'] = '42'
>>> submit['form.widgets.dictOfInt.1'] = '43'
>>> submit['form.widgets.dictOfTextLine.0.remove'] = '1'
>>> submit['form.widgets.dictOfTextLine.buttons.remove'] = 'Remove selected'
>>> request = testing.TestRequest(form=submit)
>>> content = getForm(request)
>>> submit = testing.getSubmitValues(content)
>>> submit['form.widgets.dictOfTextLine.key.0'] = 'lorem ipsum'
>>> submit['form.widgets.dictOfTextLine.0'] = 'ipsum lorem'
>>> submit['form.widgets.dictOfDate.key.1'] = '14/06/25'
>>> submit['form.widgets.dictOfDate.1'] = '14/07/28'
>>> submit['form.widgets.dictOfInt.key.0'] = '-101'
>>> submit['form.widgets.dictOfInt.0'] = '-100'
>>> submit['form.widgets.dictOfBool.key.0'] = 'false'
>>> submit['form.widgets.dictOfBool.0'] = 'true'
>>> submit['form.buttons.apply'] = 'Apply'
>>> request = testing.TestRequest(form=submit)
>>> content = getForm(request, 'MultiWidget_dict_edit_fixit.html')
>>> print(testing.plainText(content))
Data successfully updated.
>>> pprint(obj)
  dictOfBool: {False: True}
  dictOfChoice: {'key3': 'two'}
  dictOfDate: {, 2, 20):, 5, 19),, 6, 25):, 7, 28)}
  dictOfInt: {-101: -100, 42: 43}
  dictOfTextLine: {'lorem ipsum': 'ipsum lorem'}>

Twisting some keys

Change key values, item values must stick to the new values.

>>> obj.dictOfInt = {-101: -100, -1:1, 101:100}
>>> obj.dictOfBool = {True: False, False: True}
>>> obj.dictOfChoice = {'key1': 'three', 'key3': 'two'}
>>> obj.dictOfTextLine = {'textkey1': 'some text one',
...     'textkey2': 'some txt two'}
>>> obj.dictOfDate = {
...     date(2011, 1, 15): date(2014, 6, 20),
...     date(2012, 2, 20): date(2013, 5, 19)}
>>> request = testing.TestRequest()
>>> content = getForm(request, 'MultiWidget_dict_edit_twist.html')
>>> submit = testing.getSubmitValues(content)
>>> submit['form.widgets.dictOfInt.key.2'] = '42'  # was 101:100
>>> submit['form.widgets.dictOfBool.key.0'] = 'true'  # was False:True
>>> submit['form.widgets.dictOfBool.key.1'] = 'false'  # was True:False
>>> submit['form.widgets.dictOfChoice.key.1:list'] = 'key2'  # was key3: two
>>> submit['form.widgets.dictOfChoice.key.0:list'] = 'key3'  # was key1: three
>>> submit['form.widgets.dictOfTextLine.key.1'] = 'lorem'  # was textkey2: some txt two
>>> submit['form.widgets.dictOfTextLine.1'] = 'ipsum'  # was textkey2: some txt two
>>> submit['form.widgets.dictOfTextLine.key.0'] = 'foobar'  # was textkey1: some txt one
>>> submit['form.widgets.dictOfDate.key.0'] = '14/06/25'  # 11/01/15: 14/06/20
>>> submit['form.buttons.apply'] = 'Apply'
>>> request = testing.TestRequest(form=submit)
>>> content = getForm(request, 'MultiWidget_dict_edit_twist2.html')
>>> submit = testing.getSubmitValues(content)
>>> pprint(obj)
  dictOfBool: {False: False, True: True}
  dictOfChoice: {'key2': 'two', 'key3': 'three'}
  dictOfDate: {, 2, 20):, 5, 19),, 6, 25):, 6, 20)}
  dictOfInt: {-101: -100, -1: 1, 42: 100}
  dictOfTextLine: {'foobar': 'some text one', 'lorem': 'ipsum'}>